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Call for Papers

Submission Types

The TTLC2015 Committee is pleased to invite you to submit conference papers under the overarching conference theme of Assessment for Learning : Within and Beyond the Classroom.

All submissions should relate to this broad theme and address one or more of the conference sub-themes.

Only accepted full refereed papers will be considered for publication.


Full-refereed Paper

Full refereed papers should describe completed studies based on qualitative or quantitative analytical methods. These papers must demonstrate a thorough understanding and rigorous analysis of current issues in higher education, leading to well-argued conclusions. Proceedings will be published.


Working Paper

Working papers are preliminary scientific or technical papers or intermediate stages of a proposal, solution, etc., arrived at or being worked on. Working papers allow the authors to share ideas about a topic or to elicit feedback. Please note that presentations accepted in this category are NOT considered refereed papers.



Poster submissions will be evidence-based and should outline the background/ context and outcomes. Posters allow participants with similar interests to interact by using the poster as a discussion point.  Please note that presentations accepted in this category are NOT considered refereed papers.


Submission Guidelines