Format Extended Abstract / Full Paper Template
Authors are required to submit extended abstract (3 pages) only for this conference.
Selected extended abstract will be offer by editorial board to submit a full paper (10 pages) with additional processing fee.
Manuscript submitted must be original work that has not been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The journal welcomes submissions written in either English or Bahasa Melayu.
Maximum page limits:
- Extended abstract - 3 pages (including tables, figures, and illustrations).
- Full paper - 10 pages (including tables, figures, and illustrations);
All submissions will undergo peer review. Please use the KONSURI template provided. Download.
Online Presentation Format:
1. Participant of extended abstract are required to submit a pre recorded video for online presentation.
2. The duration of video is not more than 5 minutes.
3. The pre recorded video will be uploaded in organizer's social media platform for evaluation.
Paper and Online Presentation Criteria:
- Background and objectives
- Impact and achievement results
- Quality of writing and presentation
- Creativity and presentation confidence
Award and prizes
1. Each participant will receive a participation e-certificate.
2. Three Special Awards will receive certificate and medal. Name of awards are:
- Best Paper Award
- Best Presenter Award
- People's Choice Award (with the highest likes, and shares)
Poster Competition Terms & Regulations
- Poster must be original work and unpublished.
- This poster competition is run entirely online.
- Each participant needs to submit a digital poster in the form of a digital copy.
- Layout of poster: Portait.
- Language: Bahasa Melayu, English.
- Registration fee must be paid for each participation sent.
- Each participant is requested to submit a poster via link.
- Participation should follow the theme of the Conference: " Suri Empowerment Innovation / Inovasi Pemberdayaan Suri".
- Participation that contains provocation, politics or touches the sensitivity of a people, religion and understanding will be cancelled.
- The organizer reserves the right to refuse participation who do not meet the eligibility requirements of the competition.
- Poster submitted are the sole property of the organizer of the competition.
- All decisions made by the organizer are final.
- The resulting poster should fulfil the following criteria:
- Originality and innovativeness
- Theme and objective
- Impact and achievements
- Creativity and poster design
Award and prizes
1. Each participant will receive a participation e-certificate.
2. Each participant will receive a gold/silver/bronze award e-certificate.
3. Three Special Awards will receive certificate and medal. Name of awards are:
- High Impact Project Award
- Best Poster Award
- People's Choice Award (with the highest likes, and shares)
a. Registration and submission of Extended Abstract, Pre recorded presentation video and poster must be done electronically through the online submission system.
• Click on the "Registration" menu to create ConfBay Account and proceed for conference registration by logging in the system.
• Click on "Online Submission" menu to submit your abstract(s) / full paper.
b. Extended Abstract and Full Paper Format - Strictly follow the template which can be downloaded (Click Here) or at "Download menu"