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Call for Papers


The conference cordially invites scientist, academics, practitioners, scholars, researchers, policy makers and individuals to present their oral or poster papers in MSBMB46. Please register and submit your abstract via online to:


All submitted abstracts will be blind reviewed by our scientific reviewers. Authors will be notified by notice of abstract acceptance/rejection within 1 month after submission.

The conference welcomes the submission of original contributions for oral and poster presentations on the following topics, and related areas:


• Genetics, Epigenetics and Stem Cell Biology

• Protein Structure, Function & Dynamics

• Diseases – Parasitic, Metabolic, Viral, Bacterial

• Lipid, Membrane Biology and Immunology

• Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

• Drug Discovery and Natural Products

• Cancer and Cellular Diseases

• Biochemistry – Agricultural, Clinical, Zoological

Instruction for authors:

Each participant is limited to ONE paper as the presenting author but may co-author other papers.

1. Abstract must be in English and not exceed 250 words.

2. Abstract should be single-spaced, in Times New Roman font size 12.

3. Abstract should be submitted in Microsoft word .doc or .docx format.

4. Abstract should consist of a title (capitalized, bold), full name of author(s), affiliation of author(s), and body of abstract.

5. Provide up to 5 keywords.

6. Presenting author’s name should be in bold.

7. Corresponding author should be indicated with an asterisk (*) and the email provided.

8. Affiliations and corresponding author email should be in font 11.

Incorrectly formatted submissions or those requiring English editing will be returned to the submitting author for amendments prior to acceptance.

Download “Sample Abstract” under “Conference” Menu, Sub Menu – “Download”