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Call for Papers

This invitation and call for papers are addressed to scholars, researchers, government regulators and corporations to participate in ICCC 2023. You are invited to submit Abstract/Full Paper before deadline.


TITLE, ABSTRACT & KEYWORDS: Must be in Malay and English language.

(corresponding author)

ABSTRACT: Abstract should include objective, methodology, sample, instruments, data analysis, and results of the research in not more than 250 words. Abstracts need to be written in both Malay and English language. Keywords not more than 5 words.

INTRODUCTION: The background includes literature review, theoretical approach, problem statement, and objectives or research questions or hypothesis.

METHODOLOGY: Research method section includes sampling, research design, instruments, and procedures for data collection and analysis.

RESULTS: Results section displays descriptive and inferential data. Please limit the number of pictures, tables or graphs to not more than 5.

DISCUSSION, IMPLICATION AND SUGGESTION: This section discusses how the results obtained answer the research questions. The implication section describes how the result of the research is significant to stake holders especially for professionals in such field.

CONCLUSION: Conclusion of the study.

REFERENCES: Authors need to ensure that references in the text and in the list are accurate and follow the format using APA style 6th edition.

FORMAT TYPESET: The articles need to be written using Font Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced. The length of the articles should be not more than 20 pages

The manuscript template could be downloaded from this link: https://e-journal.uum.edu.my/index.php/jps/manuscript-guideline