JICA Project for AUN/SEED-Net is pleased to announce that the 14th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2021 (RCChE2021) will be held in conjunction with the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Chemical Engineering and Technology 2021 (ICICET2021)
RCChE2021 and ICICET2021 aim to bring together leading experts from all over the globe under one room to share their important works in all aspects of engineering, technology and innovation.
RCChE2021 and ICICET cordially invites academics, practitioners, scholars, researcher, and participants from AUN/Seed-Net member institutions to submit their excellent extended abstracts
RCChE2021 and ICICET2021 have invited several leading experts from academic institutions, government bodies, and industries as keynote/plenary speakers to talk about current issues and important element in chemical engineering.
Please visit ICICET2021 official conference website for more detail (click here)
Please visit AUN/SEED-Net official website to view JICA current and upcoming program (click here)
Extended Abstract Deadline: 30 October 2021
Extended Abstract Acceptance Notification: 30 October 2021
Presentation Video Submission Deadline: 30 October 2021
Participant Registration Deadline: 15 November 2021
Registration Payment Deadline: 15 November 2021
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 10 December 2021
Full Paper Acceptance Notification: 30 December 2021
Camera Ready Paper Deadline: 7 January 2022
Participant/Presenter Registration
1. If author have not registered with ConfBay before, click here to Register and follow the instruction shown on the screen
2. If author have registered with ConfBay in a previous conference, you may use the same ID and Password to Log In
Online Paper Submission
1. After logging in, author will be able to submit the paper through the Online Submission System.
2. Click on the “My Submission” menu and follow the instructions shown on the screen.
3. Author will receive a notification email if submission was successful.
There are three (3) submission types (i.e., extended abstract, full paper, and oral presentation video). The completed manuscript needs to be submitted through ICICET2021 online submission portal (click here to go to Confbay Online Submission page). Submission made through email will not be entertained. The manuscript will be assigned a unique submission identifier after the submission.
Authors will receive an automatically generated email confirmation upon submission completion. Note that the submission that does not meet ICICET2021 standard of formatting stated in the template may be returned to the authors to be revised. Conference secretariat will notify authors of the status (accepted or declined) of their extended abstract.
Authors of accepted extended abstracts are required to submit an oral presentation video before deadline. They are also recommended (not compulsory) to submit a full paper to be considered for a publication in a Scopus-indexed journal.
Extended Abstract
Authors who are interested to participate in the conference are required to submit an extended abstract. Extended abstract submission will be in a Microsoft Word document format (no PDF and LaTeX type submission). Authors are recommended to use ICICET2021 extended abstract template provided in the conference website (Download extended abstract template here)
Full Paper
Authors of accepted extended abstract are invited to submit a full paper to be considered for a publication in a journal. Submitting a full paper is not mandatory but is highly recommended. Full paper submission will be in a Microsoft Word document format (no PDF and LaTeX type submission). Authors are recommended to use ICICET 2021 full paper template provided in the conference website (Download full paper template here)
Oral Presentation Video
Format for oral presentation for ICICET2021 is a recorded presentation. Oral speakers will have to record themselves narrating a digital version of the presentation (click here to download presentation format and technical requirements of oral presentation video)
Deadline to submit oral presentation video is 10 October 2021 - 30 October 2021
1. Authors are required to submit extended abstract/full paper according to the template
2. Authors can submit 1 paper only
3. Authors are required to create separate submission if wish to submit >1 paper (subjected to a separate payment)
4. Presenting authors are required to register before submitting (payment is not required before notification of acceptance)
5. Authors need to pay the registration fee in full before the deadline. If not, the submitted extended abstract will not appear in the conference programme
6. Any changes in abstract/full paper submission are acceptable before the deadline.
7. Author who wishes to update their extended abstract/full paper can replace the original submission with the revised version (Word docx. format).
Selected full papers will be recommended for publications a Scopus-indexed journal if they meet the journal requirements. Note that the accepted full paper may undergo a second revision by the journal. Additional fees apply upon acceptance. ICICET2021 have partnered with the following journals.
1. Special Issue in Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (click here)
2. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry (click here)
3. ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering (click here)