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Call for Papers

Abstract Submission: Manuscript must be in English and should present original idea and not published or submitted for publication in other forums. Extended abstract should outline the introduction, objectives, methodology, result & analysis, and conclusion. It should not be more than 300 words (MS Word using Times New Roman, 12pt font, maximum of 7 keywords and JEL codes). Electronic submission of extended abstract to http://submit.confbay.com/conf/cefi2015 website is required. Author(s) and contact information (title, names, affiliations, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses) must be stated on the first page of paper or abstract. A selection of best papers will be invited to submit a full paper to be included as a chapter in Economics and Finance in Indonesia journal published by LPEM FEB UI.

Paper format: Submissions should be in MS Word format, following the EFI proceedings specifications located at "DOWNLOAD" Menu:

Paper Publication and Presenter Registration: Every accepted paper must have at least one author registered to the conference by time the paper submitted; the author is also expected to attend the conference and present the paper.