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Important Dates (GMT +8:00)

  1. Abstract Deadline: 31 July 2021
  2. Abstract Acceptance Notification: 30 July 2021
  3. Full Paper Deadline: 15 September 2021
  4. Acceptance Notification: 15 September 2021
  5. Camera-ready Paper Deadline: 20 September 2021
  6. Participant Registration Deadline: 15 September 2021
  7. Payment Deadline: 15 September 2021



7th International Conference on  Advanced Intelligent Maritime Safety and Technology 2021

This invitation and call for papers are addressed to scholars, researchers, government regulators and corporations to participate in Ai-MAST 2021. Abstract Submission deadline is on 30th May 2021.

7th International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Maritime Safety and Technology 2021

(Ai-MAST 2021)

Sat,16 - Mon,18 October 2021
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu,Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia

’Revitalizing a Sustainable Development for Strategic Revolution in Trade, Shipping, Port, and Logistics Industries towards Enhancing the Universal Accessibility’

WEBSITE: https://aimast2021.wixsite.com/aimast

Ai-MAST (International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Maritime Safety and Technology) is organized by Faculty of Maritime Studies, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu and International Association of e-Navigation and Ocean Economy. Ai-MAST 2021 will bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners to present the latest accomplishments, innovations and potential future directions concerning all aspects of navigation and maritime economy, where they will share their expert knowledge, experience and research results. It aims to provide an interactive platform for international academics and industry practitioners to discuss the popular and contemporary issues related to navigation, maritime economics, policy and management, education and training.


Maritime Economy
•    Ocean economy and policy
•    Shipping economics and management
•    Maritime law and insurance
•    Maritime education and training
•    Maritime tourism
•    Regional development
•    Port-city development policy
•    International shipping policies and regulations
•    Maritime business strategy
•    Maritime clusters
•    Maritime policy
•    Maritime small and medium business
•    Pollution stemming from maritime activities and environmental issues
•    Ports and port economics
•    Cabotage restriction or liberalisation
•    The development of the new mega-ships and their impact on operations and economics

Maritime Logistics
•    Sustainability of maritime logistics
•    Digitalisation in maritime logistics
•    4th Industrial revolution in maritime logistics
•    Finance issues in the maritime logistics
•    Hinterland strategies & intermodal transport
•    Human factors in shipping
•    Inland waterways
•    Ports and inland terminal marketing
•    Intermodality
•    International trade and the maritime logistics
•    Logistics issues and their link with ports
•    Multi-modal transportation
•    Operation research methods for shipping and terminals
•    Optimum ship-size
•    Brokerage, insurance and shipping management
•    Bulk Shipping
•    Business Risk Management tools and policies in the maritime logistics
•    Coastal shipping and connectivity
•    Connectivity challenges
•    Cruise shipping industry
•    Energy sources and their effects on the maritime industry
•    Shipping markets
•    Bunkering
•    Humanitarian logistics
•    Green logistics

Navigation Studies
•    E-Navigation
•    Navigation information system
•    Marine Navigation System
•    Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships
•    Aids to Navigation System
•    Maritime Traffic Engineering
•    Maritime Safety
•    Maritime Communication
•    GIS in Maritime Applications
•    ECDIS and ECS
•    Marine Environment
•    Security and piracy
•    Flag and crew management
•    Maritime accidents
•    Navigation vulnerability

Maritime Technology

•    Marine Engineering
•    Naval Architecture
•    Marine Engineering
•    Coastal and Offshore Engineering
•    Computational Fluid Dynamic
•    Engineering Material
•    Thermo Fluid
•    Hydro Dynamic
•    Ship Structure
•    Marine Renewable Energy
•    Remote Sensing
•    Ship handling and cargo operation
•    Green Technology


Selected papers will be published in 

1.The International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy (e-Navi)~ Indexed in Web of Science's Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

2.The Journal of Sustainability Science and Management (JSSM)~Indexed in Scopus

3.The Journal of Transactions on Maritime Science~ Indexed in Scopus

4. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management

5. Journal of Maritime Logistics (JML)

6. Journal of Shipping and Trade (JST)

7. Maritime Technology and Research (MTR)

Participant/Presenter Registration

Online Paper Submission


Please download the Paper template in "Download" Menu


Flag Counter 

·         Robotic

·         Antenna and Communication

·         Internet of Things

·         Analytical and Numerical Method

·         Automation and Control

·         Computational Modelling and Simulation

·         Energy Monitoring

·         Advanced Material

·         Energy Storage and Smart Grid