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Important Dates (GMT +8:00)

  1. Abstract Deadline: 15 March 2025
  2. Abstract Acceptance Notification: 15 March 2025
  3. Full Paper Deadline: 25 March 2025
  4. Acceptance Notification: 25 March 2025
  5. Camera-ready Paper Deadline: 25 March 2025
  6. Early Bird Deadline: 30 December 2024


Creative Arts & Social Science International Conference 2025 (CASSIC 2025)

The conference organizer cordially invites academics, practitioners, scholars, researches, policy makers and postgraduate students to participate whether as presenter or participant in this coming congress.

Creative Arts & Social Science International Conference 2025 (CASSIC 2025)
Physical Conference

15-17 April 2025  (Tuesday-Thursday)
The Waterfront Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

Empowering sustainability through creative, innovative & digitalization for societal well-being and economic growth.


College of Creative Arts, UiTM Cawangan Melaka



WMIT Group Sdn Bhd

The Creative Arts & Social Science International Conference 2025 (CASSIC 2025) is the first designated conference collaborating creative arts and other social science in a larger scale which brings together academicians, researchers, and scholars to a conference. Along with the development of technology, the conference has re-aligned its focus by emphasizing the importance of creative development in the mainstream economy.

Starting with series of internal colloquium by the name of ISME, it achieves encouraging supports by the members of faculty and branches throughout Malaysia. Several pride years of organization by the faculty in related events were held internally in 2014, 2016 & 2023 via Tunas Ilham, DERIA, LIAC, IBAEX. This year a larger brand of CASSIC in collaboration with the Sarawak Government will be held in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

CASSIC is a non-profit event that provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish research relations and the opportunity to find global partners for future collaboration.

Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference. The conference targets a minimum of 120 participants within various sections of the event including research paper presentations, poster exhibitions, academic and industry workshops.

1. Provide a platform for exchange of ideas and information among researchers, academicians, and practitioners.

2. Presentation of findings and issues on matters related to creative practices, management, sustainability of art and design via digitalization.


1. Prof. Dr. Md Nasir Ibrahim (CEO, Islah Vision Sdn Bhd)

2. Dr. Adam Wahida S.PD., M.SN. (Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia)

3. Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Shamzani Affendy Mohd. Din (Coordinator, Industrialisation & Global Network, Kulliyyah of Architecture & Environmental Design, IIUM)

The conference cordially invites academics, practitioners, scholars, researchers, policy makers, government agencies or any relevant parties to participate to present their oral or poster papers in CASSIC 2025. Please submit your abstract via online at http://submit.confbay.com/conf/cassic2025.  All submitted abstract/papers will be reviewed by our scientific reviewers. Authors of accepted abstracts are required to submit a full paper consisting of a paper title, author(s) list, address and e-mail, abstract, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement and references. 
For more details, please refer to the "Full Paper Guidelines".

Link for download Paper Guidelines � Download Sample Paper

Papers may address, but not restricted to, the main theme from any of the following sub-themes. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable.

i)    Creative Art & Design

•    Art and Technology in Society
•    Sustainable Creative Materials & Technology
•    Digital Humanities
•    Interactive Media Application
•    New Technology & Arts

ii)    Business & Management

•    Mental Health & Art Therapy
•    Sustainable well-being for society
•    Management & Marketing in Creative Digital
•    Innovative Environment for Workplace

iii)    Communication & Media Studies

•    Social Media & Digital Collaboration
•    Creative Media Politics
•    Politics & Leadership
•    International Diplomacy & Communication
•    Society & Sociology

iv)    Tourism

•    Tourism Sustainability
•    Economic/Social/Environmental/Cultural Impacts of Tourism
•    Social Networking and New Forms of Tourism

v)      Law & consumer rights

•    Digital Copyright and Creative Practices
•    Intellectual Property in Digital and AI-generated Art
•    Legal and Ethical Challenges in AI-generated Art
•    Consumer Rights and Protection in Digital and AI-generated Art
•    E-commerce Law for Digital Art and Design

Link for download Announcement - Download Announcement


All registered and accepted submissions have the following publication opportunities: 

i. Conference Proceedings

All accepted and registered abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings. The Conference Proceedings will be published with an eISBN Number.

ii. Indexed Journal Publications

All accepted papers will be considered to be published in Indexed Journals. Publication is also subject to satisfactory revision of papers as shall be required by the journal editors. Additional fee for publication will be required upon acceptance of paper.

List of Journal Publication: 

1. SCOPUS: Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB), Universitas Gadjah Mada (ISSN Online: 2338-5847, ISSN Print: 2085-8272), https://journal.ugm.ac.id/v3/jieb/index  

2. ERA: Information Management & Business Review (IMBR) / ~MYR400, (ISSN 2220-3796), https://ojs.amhinternational.com/index.php/imbr/index

3. ERA: Online Journal of Art & Design (OJAD) / USD100, (ISSN: 2301-2501), http://www.adjournal.net/

4. MYCITE: International Journal of Art & Design (IJAD) / MYR200, (e-ISSN: 2710-5776), https://journal.uitm.edu.my/ojs/index.php/IJAD, https://myjurnal.mohe.gov.my/public/browse-journal-view.php?id=872

5. MYCITE: Gading Journal for Social Sciences / RM95, (e-ISSN 2600-7568), https://myjurnal.mohe.gov.my/public/browse-journal-view.php?id=341, https://gadingssuitm.com/index.php/gadingss


Specific Instructions to Authors

- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.

- The text is single-spaced; uses a 11-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

Language Guidelines for Paper Submissions

1. Submission Languages: Papers can be submitted in either English or Bahasa Melayu. Authors are encouraged to select the language that best suits their work and audience.

2. Non-Malaysian Authors: For non-Malaysian authors, submissions must be in English only.

3. Language Consistency: The entire paper should maintain consistency in the chosen language, without switching between languages in the text.

4. Quality of Language: Papers must be written clearly and concisely, with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Authors are encouraged to seek professional language editing services if necessary to ensure clarity and readability.

5. Abstracts: All submissions must include an abstract in English. For papers submitted in Bahasa Melayu, an English translation of the abstract must also be provided.

6. Technical Terms: For papers in Bahasa Melayu, technical terms that do not have a direct equivalent in Bahasa Melayu should be written in English and italicized.

Link for download sample paper � Download Sample Paper


1. Registration and submission of abstract, poster, full paper/camera-ready must be done electronically through the online submission system.
2. For First time user, click on the "Registration" menu to create ConfBay Account, and proceed for conference registration by logging in the system. For existing ConfBay user, proceed Login.
3. You must enter a valid email address. All notification will be sent via registered email.
4. If you wish to make submission, please register as "Presenter".
5. Click on "Online Submission" menu to submit your full paper / manuscript, and follow the procedure.
6. Before you proceed to register online, please ensure readiness of the following necessary documents:-

a. For Student - Scanned Copy of Student ID
b. For PGM Member - Please key in your Membership No.
c. Manuscript - Abstract / Full Paper


CASSIC 2025 Secretariat:

Email: secretariat.cassic@gmail.com
Phone: +603-8890 3062 (Office)
Address: 93C, Jalan Diplomatik
Presint 15, 62050 PUTRAJAYA


Sponsorship Packages:





1. Six (6) complimentary local delegates registration
2. Full page advertisement and acknowledgement in conference programme book
3. Display of company/organisation logo in the backdrop/ banner/ bunting/ flyers/ covers
4. Website: Logo and name in official website
5. Inclusion of company/organisation brochures in conference kits
6. Certificate of appreciation
7. Company corporate video during breaks/lunches (7 minutes max)
8. One (1) exhibition booth (4m x 2m)



1. Four (4) complimentary local delegates registration
2. Acknowledgement in conference programme book
3. Display of company/organisation logo in the backdrop/ banner/ bunting/ flyers/ covers
4. Website: Logo and name in official website
5. Certificate of appreciation
6. Company corporate video during breaks/lunches (5 minutes max)
7. One (1) exhibition booth (2m x 2m)



1. Two (2) complimentary local delegate registration
2. Acknowledgement in conference programme book
3. Certificate of appreciation
4. One (1) exhibition booth (2m x 2m)



Other Packages:

One (1) exhibition booth (2m x 2m) only with 1 lunch coupon (2 days)


One (1) technical talk session (20 min)


Advertisement in the Programme Book

Outside Back Cover (color)

Inside Front Cover

Inside Back Cover

Full Page

Half Page








Please fill up the google form for Sponsorship Registration from the following link:


MiGC16 Sponsorship Prospectus


Sponsorship Packages:






  1. Six (6) complimentary local delegates registration
  2. Full page advertisement and acknowledgement in conference programme book
  3. Display of company/organisation logo in the backdrop/ banner/ bunting/ flyers/ covers
  4. Website: Logo and name in official website
  5. Inclusion of company/organisation brochures in conference kits
  6. Certificate of appreciation
  7. Company corporate video during breaks/lunches (7 minutes max)
  8. One (1) exhibition booth (6m x 3m)



  1. Four (4) complimentary local delegates registration
  2. Acknowledgement in conference programme book
  3. Display of company/organisation logo in the backdrop/ banner/ bunting/ flyers/ covers
  4. Website: Logo and name in official website
  5. Certificate of appreciation
  6. Company corporate video during breaks/lunches (5 minutes max)
  7. One (1) exhibition booth (3m x 3m)



  1. Two (2) complimentary local delegate registration
  2. Acknowledgement in conference programme book
  3. Certificate of appreciation
  4. One (1) exhibition booth (3m x 3m)




Other Packages:


One (1) exhibition booth (3m x 3m) only with 1 lunch coupon (2 days)



One (1) technical talk session (20 min)



Advertisement in the Programme Book

Outside Back Cover (color)

Inside Front Cover

Inside Back Cover

Full Page

Half Page









Please fill up the google form for Sponsorship Registration from the following link:
