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Important Dates (GMT +8:00)

  1. Abstract Deadline: 31 August 2024
  2. Abstract Acceptance Notification: 31 August 2024
  3. Full Paper Deadline: 5 September 2024
  4. Acceptance Notification: 5 September 2024
  5. Early Bird Deadline: 31 July 2024



Global Conference on Maritime Studies 2024

(GLOCOMS 2024)

Date: 9th- 11th September 2024

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Global Conference on Maritime Studies 2024

(GLOCOMS 2024)

Date: 9th- 11th September 2024

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


"Towards a Green and Sustainable Maritime Ecosystem"


Greetings and a warm invitation to explore the official website of the inaugural 1st Global Conference on Maritime Studies 2024 (GLOCOMS 2024). Hosted by the University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) in conjunction with various other universities, this conference is scheduled to take place at UMT from September 9th to 11th, 2024.

GLOCOMS 2024 aims to serve as a prominent international platform showcasing and publishing the most recent scientific  research findings within the realms of maritime studies and supply chain dynamics.

Attendees can anticipate valuable opportunities to exchange innovative concepts, foster research connections, and cultivate global partnerships for prospective collaborations.

Our sincere aspiration is that this conference contributes significantly to the advancement of knowledge in pertinent scientific and academic domains.


Towards a Green and Sustainable Maritime Ecosystem


•    Maritime Management
•    Nautical Science
•    Maritime Technology and Engineering
•    Maritime operation
•    Marine Science
•    Maritime Logistics and Supply Chain
•    Maritime Economics
•    Maritime Archaeology
•    Environment and Sustainability
•    Big data and Analytics
•    Maritime Law and Policy

•    Maritime Geopolitics
•    Maritime Tourism & Sport Science
•    Marine Genetics
•    Maritime Transportation
•    Maritime Risk and Disaster
•    Maritime Security
•    Marine Pollution Management

•    Other related fields


Registration and Submission Notes:

a. Registration and submission of Full Paper must be done electronically through this online submission system.
•    Click on the "Registration" menu to create ConfBay Account and proceed for conference registration by logging in the system.
•    Click on "Online Submission" menu to submit your abstract(s) / full paper.

b. Abstract and Full Paper Format - Strictly follow the template which can be downloaded at the download section or conference website https://fpm.umt.edu.my/research/conference/