The 3rd International Conference on Business Management (ICBM) 2018
School of Business Management Universiti Utara Malaysia, invites you to participate in The 3rd ICBM to be held on 7-8 October 2018 in Penang, Malaysia. The 3rd ICBM is a multidisciplinary conference which covers the topics of management, marketing, human resource, entrepreneurship and others. The 3rd ICBM welcomes innovative researchers, academicians and doctoral students to present your research work or just attend. Our conference enables you to present your research, meet new colleagues, develop new networking circles, and improve your research skills, all with highly affordable price.
Selected paper will be published in one of the journal below:
- Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Google Scholar, EBSCO, SCOPUS)
- Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (EBSCO, UCG, SCOPUS)
- International Journal of Supply Chain Management (EBSCO, Google Scholar, GetCited, SCOPUS)
- Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences ((EBSCO, ProQuest, SCOPUS)
- International Journal of Entrepreneurship (EBSCO, UCG, SCOPUS)
- International Journal of Banking and Finance (Google Scholar, MyJurnal, EconLit)
- International Journal of Management Studies (Google Scholar, MYCITE, ESCI)
- Journal of International Studies (Google Scholar and MYCITE, ESCI)
- Malaysian Management Journal (Google Scholar, MYCITE, ASEAN Citation Index)
Registration and Submission
a. Registration and submission of Full Paper must be done electronically through the online submission system.
- Click on the "Registration" menu to create ConfBay Account and proceed for conference registration by logging in the system.
- Click on "Online Submission" menu to submit your abstract(s) / full paper.
b. Abstract and Full Paper Format - Strictly follow the template which can be downloaded at "Download" menu.
The 3rd International Conference on Business Management (ICBM) 2018,
College of Business,School of Business Management,
Universiti Utara Malaysia,UUM
06010 Sintok Kedah,Malaysia.