International Conference on Real Estate Urbanisation 2024 (ICRESU2024)
Pinetree Marina Resort, Puteri Harbour, Iskandar Puteri, Johor, Malaysia
18 - 21 November 2024 (Hybrid)
Harmonius Real Estate Evolution: Navigating Growth, Liveability, and Investment Viability
The International Conference on Real Estate Urbanisation, with the theme "Harmonious Real Estate Evolution: Navigating Growth, Liveability, and Investment Viability", aims to address the multifaceted challenges and opportunities arising from urbanisation in real estate context. The conference will focus on various sub-themes, including housing diversity, mixed-use development, urban asset and facilities management, real estate investment opportunities, gentrification, public-private partnerships, smart and inclusive design, community-centric spaces, technological integration, resilience and adaptability, real estate innovation, and cultural preservation. The objectives of the conference are to provide a platform for discussing innovative urban planning and design, promoting social equity in urban development, and exploring real estate investment opportunities in rapidly growing markets. This conference is relevant for real estate key players namely, urban planners, developers, investors, policymakers, and researchers interested in addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with urbanisation and real estate development.
• To provide a platform for discussing innovative urban planning, real estate development and investment opportunities
• To address the multifaceted challenges and opportunities arising from urbanisation
• To facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration among industry professionals, policymakers, and researchers on the complexities of large-scale urban development projects and real estate investment opportunities
• To explore strategies for integrating technology and innovation into urban planning and real estate development, towards creating smart, inclusive, and resilient cities
• To incorporate sustainability in real estate industry
• To promote the preservation of cultural heritage within urban areas
• To provide platform for the real estate industry players to exhibit their products, innovations, and services
• Property Valuers
• Property Managers
• Facility Managers
• Estate Agents
• Urban Planners
• Developers
• Investors
• Architects
• Engineers
• Policymakers
• Researchers
• Academicians
• Postgraduate Students
Authors are invited to submit ABSTRACT of the paper for oral and poster presentation. Submission of full paper is only necessary for those who wish to publish in the event. Submission of abstract and full paper can be made via registration link to the Conference Secretariat. Acceptance of the abstract will be notified in two weeks after receiving the abstract.
• Housing Diversity
• Mixed-Use Development
• Urban Asset and Facilities Management
• Real Estate Investment Opportunities
• Gentrification
• Public-Private Partnerships
• Smart and Inclusive Design
• Community-Centric Spaces
• Technological Integration
• Resilience and Adaptability
• Real Estate Innovation
• Cultural Preservation
Link for download Announcement - Download Announcement
Papers will be published in peer reviewed online proceeding (with e-ISBN).
Selected papers ONLY will be recommended for publication (with publication fee) in the following journals:
• Planning Malaysia Journal - eISSN: 0128-0945
• International Journal of Real Estate Studies (INTREST) - eISSN:2231-7643
• International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) - ISSN:2454-6186
• Journal of Built Environment, Engineering and Technology (JBETE) - e-ISSN:0128-1003
Specific Instructions to Authors
Margin - Manuscripts must be in single spacing, font size 12 in Times New Roman and all margins: 1.5 inches (left) and 1 inch (top, right and bottom).
Length - Manuscripts are maximum 15 pages (including references, attachments, tables and graphical information).
Tables - must be placed as part of the text. DO NOT attach tables at the end of the manuscript.
Software - Manuscript must be submitted in MS Word form ONLY.
Title - Written in uppercase, bold, size 14 and centered.
Author/s - Name, address, email and contact number of all authors, font 12, Times.
Abstract - between 250-350 words (Times New Roman) size 12.
Keywords - should not more than FIVE keywords.
Title/sub-title - Written in uppercase, bold, size 12 and left margin.
Tables/ Figures - title of the tables/figure should be written on the top of the tables/figure. Times New Roman, font 12, Bold, lower case, centered.
Reference- Should be in the last part of the article (before any attachments/appendixes), in alphabetical order, according to American Psychological Association (APA) style.
Link for download sample paper - Download Sample Paper
ICRESU2024 Secretraiat:
No. 93C, Jalan Diplomatik
Presint 15, 62050 PUTRAJAYA
+60 19-348 1577 (Hazani)
+60 19-901 3923 (Anas)
+60 17-732 1669 (Zes)
+60 3-8890 3062 (Office)
Website / Registration Link:
Centre for Real Estate Studies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB)