8th International Research Conference on Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences and Technology 2025 (8th IRCMST 2025)
24th - 25th May 2025
Putrajaya, Malaysia
The 8th International Research Conference on Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences and Technology 2025 (8th IRCMST 2025) organized by Global Academic Excellence (M) Sdn Bhd (GAE) will be held on 24th - 25th May 2025 at Hotel Dorsett Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia. This conference provides a platform for academicians, researchers, professionals, intellectuals and scholars from various fields and disciplines to debate and discuss the current issues worldwide as well as finding solutions to the problems, exchange and share knowledge and information, establish business or research relationships and find global partners for future collaboration.
Social Sciences
Philosophy and Psychological | Social Policy and Criminology | Human Demography and Geography | Environmental Planning | Development Studies | Economic, Management and Business Studies | Law and Shariah | Politics and International Relations | Social Works, Well Being and Public Policy | Anthropology | Archaeology | Sociology | Historical Study | Humanities | Corporate Governance and Non-profit Organizations | Financial Planning and Accounting | Sustainability Research and Policy | Women and Gender Studies | Media and Communications | Cultural | Arts, Design and Creative | Tourism and Hospitality | Muamalat, Da’wah and Religions
Technology & Innovation
Sciences and Technology Studies | Tehcnology Management | Knowledge Management Systems | Conceptual Modelling | Computer- Aided Systems Engineering | Information System and Library Sciences | Innovation Research and Policy | Creative Problem Solving | Diffusion of Innovations | Deployment | Disruptive Innovation | Eco Innovation | Global Innovation | Induced Innovation | Information and Industry Revolution | Ingenuity | Invention | Innovation System | Knowledge Economy | Building and Construction Innovation | Technologies | Engineering | Applied Sciences
Education & Languages
Educational Research | Computer and Multimedia in Education | Educational Management and Administration | Educational Sociology | Leadership in Education | Legal Aspect in Educational Management | Organizational Behaviour in Education | Pedagogical Theories and Practices
Philosophy and Education in Malaysia | Quality Management in Education | School Management and Supervision | Science and Non-Science Education | Mathematical Education | Technology Education | Professional Development | Engineering and Applied Sciences for Education | Languages and Linguistics
- Proceeding with eISSN number
- MyCite Journal / Refereed Journal
1. International Journal of Law, Government and Communication, elSSN: 0128 -1763
2. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Management, elSSN: 0128-178X
3. Journal of Information System and Technology Management, elSSN: 0128-1666
4. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, elSSN: 0128-164X
5. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Practices, elSSN: 2600-8750
6. International Journal of Modern Education, eISSN: 2637-0905
7. International Journal of Innovation and Industrial Revolution, eISSN: 2637-0972
8. Advanced International Journal of Business, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, eISSN: 2682-8545
1. International Journal of Humanities, Philosophy and Language, eISSN: 2600-8270
2. International Journal of Heritage, Art and Multimedia, elSSN: 2600-8262
3. International Journal of Modern Trends in Social Sciences, elSSN: 2600-8777
4. International Journal of Politics, Public Policy and Social Works, eISSN: 2637-0980
5. International Journal of Creative Industries, eISSN:2637-0913
6. Advanced International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, eISSN: 2682-8537
7. International Journal of Supply Chain, Operation Management and Logistics, eISSN: 2682-8685
8. International Research Journal of Shariah, Muamalat and Islam, eISSN: 2682-8553
9. International Journal of Halal Ecosystem and Management Practices, eISSN: 2716-5854
*Note: All publication is subject to correction from authors based on comment of reviewer/editorial board before the papers are published.
Contact Us
Tel: +609-7449503 (Office); +6011-10968094 (Firdaus)
Email: ircmstofficial@gmail.com
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YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0GQiQ5qY0kDT1VooKLrLw
Instagram: _GAExcellence
Twitter: @gaesbofficial
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