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Important Dates (GMT +8:00)

  1. Full Paper Deadline: 7 February 2025
  2. Acceptance Notification: 1 March 2025


Call for Papers

Journal of Central Banking Law & Institution (JCLI)

(UPDATED DATE) April 28 2025

Bali, Indonesia

You are invited to submit full paper(s). Click on Registration or Log in button


There are no registration fees.


(UPDATED DATE) April 28 2025
Bali, Indonesia

“The AI Transformation of the Financial Sector”

Scope of Issues and Challenges: but not limited to:

•    The AI implication on the financial sector regulation and regulators.
•    The ethical implication and governance of AI implementation in the financial sector.
•    The potential transformation of central banking practices in the AI-based financial sector.
•    The AI transformation of financial products and its implication to the economy.
•    The institutional arrangement and resources management in AI-based financial sector.  

Issues are related, but not limited to Law, Politics, Socioeconomics, Management, Technology, Public Policy.


No Registration Fee

Guidelines and Publication:

•    Free registration fee.
•    Submissions of paper should be in English (between 7.000 - 10.000 words including references).
•    All submitted papers must strictly follow the guidelines outlined in the JCLI paper template for formatting and layout, which can be accessed at the following link: https://jcli-bi.org/index.php/jcli/author-guidelines.
•    The citations and references within the paper should comply with the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note) citation style.
•    All selected papers will be presented at the parallel sessions and each paper will have an assigned discussant (reviewer).
Accommodation and travel allowance for the authors of selected papers will be provided by Bank Indonesia (valid for 1 person only for each paper), with a maximum of IDR 10.000.000, conditional on authors signing a copyright transfer form and letter of commitment.

•    After regular peer review process, all selected papers will be considered for publication in the JCLI.

Full Paper Structure:

1.    Section Subdivision
      The paper requires clear division and numbered sections.
          Sections need to be numbered as follows: I, II, III, ...
          Sub-sections need to be numbered as follows: I.A, II.A (then A.I. A.II, A.III, ...) B, C, etc. For more detail please refer to the provided journal template.
          Abstract is not included in section numbering.
          Provide appropriate heading for all sections and subsections (each heading should appear on a separate line).
          Prefer using tables, graphs, pictures, and diagrams to strengthen the writing.

2.    Introduction

      Authors are encouraged to use the following suggestions in order to write the introduction section.  
          Clearly state your research question/hypothesis
          Clearly state the background information on the specific problem or issue that is being addressed.
          Clearly state whether your research question is new or innovative (different from literature)
          Provide well-articulated motivation for the research question.
          Support your research question with appropriate theory, empirical data, and the legal basis.
          Briefly reviews any other solutions or approaches that have been tried in the past.
          It is strongly advised to include "Review of literature/Literature review," in the introduction Separate section is not necessary. Such a review aims to identify any gap in the research where the author's paper will fill in that gap as a novelty or contribution to the literature.
          Explicitly explain the approach taken to address research questions in one paragraph.
          In one paragraph, provide summary of the findings.
          In two-three paragraphs, discuss the contribution of the paper in detail and be sure to cite appropriate studies.

3.    Literature Review (not necessary that all papers will have a separate section on this but if you do then...)
          Using scientific journals for reference at least the last 5 years;
          If using literature more than the last five years then it should be the primary reference by most authors;
          Identify the gap in the literature that you filled.

4.    Data and Model/ Figure
          Data should be well described in tables and in graphs.
          Ensure to use of data that is consistent with those used in the related literature.
          Methods (already published) should be summarized and supported by proper references. Any modification methods should be described and motivated in detail.

5.    Result/Finding:
          Provide a detailed description of the result of the legal arguments given.
          Explain the legal recommendations offered on legal issues described.
          It is recommended to use example/best practice/comparison so that the arguments presented are stronger.
          Make a clear comparison from the results of the literature and identify the similarities and differences.

6.    Conclusion
          Give a short conclusion by answering the problem of the study.
          Conclusion section should stand alone and should not form a subsection of result discussion.

7.    Other Consideration
          Abstract: provide a concise and factual abstract in a maximum of 150 words.
          Keywords: provide a maximum of five keywords immediately after abstract.
          Footnotes: should be consecutively numbered throughout the article.
          It is recommended to use citation software such as Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero, etc.
          Qualitative/Quantitative Data must be numbered sequentially throughout the paper as (1), (2), ...
          Tables and Figures:
            1.    submit the editable text and not as images
            2.    Tables/figures need to be numbered consecutively in the same order as their appearance in the text.
            3.    Place table/figure notes below the table title and above the table.
            4.    Ensure using a consistent table.
          Reference Style:
            1.    Use the "Chicago Manual Style 17th Edition" citation
            2.    Citation writing model can be seen at the link (https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html)
          More info about the Author Guidelines: https://jcli-bi.org/index.php/jcli/author-guidelines

Registration & Submission

Registration and submission of full paper must be done electronically through online submission system

Participant/Presenter Registration

Online Paper Submission

Contact Us

Journal of Central Banking Law and Institutions (JCLI)
(PRBI-KPRJ) Bank Indonesia B Building, 4th Floor
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 2, Central Jakarta, Indonesia

Website: www.jcli-bi.org
Email: contact@jcli-bi.org