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Important Dates (GMT +8:00)

  1. Abstract Deadline: 24 April 2024
  2. Abstract Acceptance Notification: 24 April 2024
  3. Full Paper Deadline: 25 April 2024
  4. Acceptance Notification: 25 April 2024
  5. Camera-ready Paper Deadline: 27 April 2024
  6. Early Bird Deadline: 28 February 2024


The 3rd Malaysia International Convention on Education Research and Management (MICER2024)

The conference organizer is cordially invites academics, practitioners, scholars, researchers, policy makers of any government to present their papers in MICER2024.

Papers should be submitted through online and will be blind reviewed by two reviewers. We are also welcome and highly encourage postgraduates students to present their research proposal or literature review or findings or issues in this conference.

Papers may address, but not restricted to, the main theme from any of the following sub-themes. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable.

The 3rd Malaysia International Convention on Education Research and Management

Noble Resort Hotel, Melaka, Malaysia

4 – 5 May 2024 (Hybrid)

Theme: Education towards a Global Citizen Generation


The main goal of MICER2024 is to cultivate new ideas and innovation to empower policies and strategies of education research & management.


•    to explore innovative ideas for an effective engagement of research and management issues in education and advances;
•    to establish an experience and knowledge-sharing platform to drive the education management growth for the nation and global.
•    to introduce and showcase the latest research, management, and technology advancement in education
•    to explore education management innovative technology and business sophistication in Digitalisation and Industrial Revolution 5.0
•    to provide platform for the education related institutions to exhibit their products, innovations, and services


•    Academicians
•    Researchers
•    Graduate Students
•    Government
•    NGO’s
•    GLC’s & Private Companies


The conference cordially invites academics, practitioners, scholars, researchers, policy makers, government agencies or any relevant parties to participate to present their oral or poster papers in MICER2024. Please submit your abstract via online at http://submit.confbay.com/conf/micer2024.  All submitted abstract/papers will be reviewed by our scientific reviewers. Authors of accepted abstracts are required to submit a full paper consisting of a paper title, author(s) list, address and e-mail, abstract, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement and references. The manuscript should be prepared using Times New Roman with font size 12. The manuscript should be written in not more than 15 pages, single-spaced (maybe word count is better) including tables and figures.


•    Educational Management and Leadership
•    TVET AND STEM education
•    Early Childhood Education
•    Arabic Language Education and Islamic Education
•    Innovation in Language Education
•    Technology in Education
•    Educational Psychology
•    Entrepreneur Education
•    Special and Inclusive Education
•    Curriculum and Pedagogy
•    Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment in Education
•    Educational Psychology
•    Counseling Education
•    Higher Education
•    History Education
•    Sociology of Education
•    Sports Education
•    Education and Underprivileged Student Education System and Pupil Aspiration
•    Teacher Standards and Quality


Specific Instructions to Authors;
Margin – Manuscripts must be in single spacing, font size 12 in Times New Roman and all margins: 1.5 inches (left) and 1 inch (top, right and bottom).
Length – Manuscripts are maximum 15 pages (including references, attachments, tables and graphical information).
Tables – must be placed as part of the text. DO NOT attach tables at the end of the manuscript.
Software – Manuscript must be submitted in MS Word form ONLY.
Title – Written in uppercase, bold, size 14 and centered.
Author/s – Name, address, email and contact number of all authors, font 12, Times.
Abstract – between 250-350 words “Times New Roman” size 12.
Keywords – should not more than FIVE keywords.
Title/sub-title – Written in uppercase, bold, size 12 and left margin.
Tables/ Figures – title of the tables/figure should be written on the top of the tables/figure. Times New Roman, font 12, Bold, lower case, centered.
Reference – Should be in the last part of the article (before any attachments/appendixes), in alphabetical order, according to American Psychological Association (APA) style.

Link for download sample paper – Download Sample Paper


•    All abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings with an e-ISBN.
•    Selected papers (with additional publication fee) will be offered to be published in the following journal publications:

Journal of Southeast Asia Social Sciences and Humanities

(ISSN: 0126-5008/eISSN: 0126-8694)

WoS - ESCI Indexed Journal

Journal Website: https://ejournal.ukm.my/akademika

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

(ISSN: 2226-6348)

ERA Indexed Journal

Journal website: https://hrmars.com/index.php/journals/journaldetail/IJARPED


MICER2024 Secretraiat:
No. 93C, Jalan Diplomatik
Presint 15, 62050 PUTRAJAYA

+60 19-901 3923 (Anas)
+60 13-625 6455 (Hajar)
+60 17-732 1669 (Zes)
+60 3-8890 3062 (Office)

Email: secretariat.micer@gmail.com