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Important Dates (GMT +8:00)

  1. Abstract Deadline: 23 February 2024
  2. Full Paper Deadline: 24 February 2024
  3. Presentation Link Deadline: 23 February 2024
  4. Early Bird Deadline: 31 January 2024



This invitation and call for full paper are addressed to all participants. The abstract(s) & full paper should be submitted before the deadline.



* minimum references are 15 (80% from published work)

* empirical paper
* paper pages between 5-12 pages

* follow format of full paper - in Microsoft Word format

* presenter face-to-face only

* submit one month before conference date


Certificate will be given to presenter as ‘PRESENTER’ and another author as ‘PARTICIPANT’.



Participants also have the option to register as Presenter (OVP). Participants do not need to attend the conference. Just submit to us your 10-15 minutes pre-recorded video presentation and slides. The video will be posted in our official Global Academic Excellence YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0GQiQ5qY0kDT1VooKLrLw) on 2nd day of conference. The URL to the video will be provided to all authors of the presentation videos. The video also will be posted on official Global Academic Excellence Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/GAExcellence/). Authors are encouraged to check their video and respond to any questions posted in their respective video comment section. Please download the Video Presentation Guidelines from the conference website for more information.

Online Video Presentation (OVP) can help you present your research/paper without attending the conference face-to-face due to constraint time and cost, however we encourage you to attend the conference face-to-face because it can help you to establish relationships with other researchers/academicians/practitioners for future collaboration besides get idea or comment about your presentation for forthcoming enhancement.


This invitation and call for full paper are addressed to all participants. The abstract(s) & full paper should be submitted before the deadline.



* minimum references are 15 (80% from published work)

* minimum 6 pages and maximum 15 pages

* empirical paper

* follow format of full paper - in Microsoft Word format

* presenter only

* submit one month before conference date



Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, we provide solution to participant to join our conference through "Online Video Presentation (OVP)". It can help participant to present their paper without attending the conference. Participant can get the instruction to upload video and guideline for OVP at the ‘Download’ section.  For Online Video Presentation (OVP) example, you may visit our channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0GQiQ5qY0kDT1VooKLrLw. Please subscribed our channel to get notification of latest presentation and information from us!



You are eligible for a discounted rate on the registration fee if you are a group of 3 presenter or more with different paper. If your group comprises of more than 10 papers, please contact (+60108428094) for a higher percentage on the discount rate.

5th Penang International Multidisciplinary Conference 2024 (5th PIMC 2024)

24th-25th February 2024
Penang, Malaysia

The 5th Penang International Multidisciplinary Conference 2024 (5th PIMC 2024) organized by Global Academic Excellence (M) Sdn Bhd (GAE) will be held on 24th-25th February 2024 at Golden Sands by Shangri-La, Penang, Malaysia. This conference provides a platform for academicians, researchers, professionals, intellectuals and scholars from various fields and disciplines to debate and discuss the current issues worldwide as well as finding solutions to the problems, exchange and share knowledge and information, establish business or research relationships and find global partners for future collaboration.





*All Video Presentation available on 24th February 2024 start from 9.00am onwards

* Audience can write any comments/questions regarding the video in the comment section below each video. Presenter should answer any comment/question from audience on conference day, 24th-25th February 2024.

Presenter: Lachmy Narayana A/L Jogulu 
Paper Title: Exploring Strategies and Factors Influencing Inference of Unknown Words: Insights from An ELT Lecturer
Video Link: https://youtu.be/98Ts-zaFBr0
Slide Link:   
Presenter: Lachmy Narayana A/L Jogulu
Paper Title: Code-Switching as A Teaching and Learning Strategy in ESL Classrooms
Video Link: https://youtu.be/hYV11cNcm6k
Slide Link:   ======================================================================
Presenter: Peter Paul Canuto; Marites Choycawen; Randy Pagdawan
Paper Title: The Influence of Teaching Competencies in Teachers Performance and Students Academic Achievement in Primary Science Education
Video Link: https://youtu.be/2-XPWAJS1Mk
Slide Link:
Presenter: Nur Syazwani Meli
Paper Title: Keberkesanan Penggunaan Aplikasi SBITP_Me Terhadap Kursus DFT20083 Security Basic and It Professional Di Politeknik Balik Pulau
Video Link: https://youtu.be/-164CskGCoc
Slide Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SHOfS2bgAiqB7ywzEiJexCrb8CsRxFZa/view?usp=sharing
Presenter: Peter Paul Canuto; Daisy Bando; Yuvimin Lumidao
Paper Title: Campus Voices: University Students’ Awareness of Gender-Based Violence Against Women, Girls, And Children
Video Link: https://youtu.be/45g8As6UPgo
Slide Link:
Presenter: Surendran Sankaran
Paper Title: Pembelajaran Teradun Dalam Kalangan Pensyarah Tvet Di Kolej Komuniti
Video Link: https://youtu.be/jMkXngGM1gk
Slide Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VaEBG9QRtHKurK-PwOCzKiZBY5QvJyL9/view?usp=sharing
Presenter: Norazlinda Saad
Paper Title: Kecerdasan Emosi Dengan Prestasi Kerja Dalam Kalangan Guru SJK Tamil
Video Link: https://youtu.be/VHelEnbCyGw  
Slide Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V_nro0C0Hq_rMMPAnD2qIi1qQEROR1uA/view?usp=sharing  
Presenter: Juwita Lestari
Paper Title: Greening the Science Classroom: A Comprehensive Review of Environmental Education Practices
Video Link: https://youtu.be/nqT21hny9rM
Slide Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vdhr1INryXwbEdRNrxDaS1BBiPfCNYI4/view?usp=sharing 
Presenter: Mulyana Saleh
Paper Title: A Look at the Development of the Indonesian Halal Industry Among the Many Industry Competitions Globally
Video Link:
Slide Link:
Presenter: Mohd Fazli Mohd Sam
Paper Title: The Training and Retraining Needs of Malaysia's TVET Educators
Video Link:
Slide Link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZnyEDOfnyHhXi9wpDwJ3ejIQBo4JvHpy/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115942919083382869857&rtpof=true&sd=true
Presenter: Norshadila Ahmad Badela
Paper Title: Cybersecurity Knowledge and Practices: A Survey of Students and Staff at Politeknik Mersing
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJMHlxpG58Q
Slide Link:
Presenter: Yusuf Gunawan
Paper Title: First to File and Good Faith Registered Trademarks and Well-Known Trademarks in Indonesia
Video Link:
Slide Link:
Presenter: Setiyawan Gunardi
Paper Title: Sistem Pengurusan Skim Khairat Kematian (SKK) Di Masjid Masjid Tunku Sallehuddin, Sg Petani Kedah Dalam Memperkasa Sosioekonomi Halal
Video Link: https://youtu.be/BRGqw_HudDM
Slide Link:
Presenter: Yusuf Gunawan
Paper Title: Digitalization of Indonesian Elections in The Industrial Era 4.0
Video Link:
Slide Link:
Presenter: Nurul Dayana Mohd Dazid
Paper Title: Kajian Persepsi Pelajar Terhadap Penggunaan Pembentangan Maya 3D Gallery Walk Terhadap Business Model Canvas (BMC) Di Politeknik Balik Pulau
Video Link: https://youtu.be/lRt93SJYPv0
Slide Link:
Presenter: Yusuf Gunawan
Paper Title: Smart Learning Environment Based on Interactive Web
Video Link:
Slide Link:
Presenter: Nurfarahiyah Mohammad Najib
Paper Title: The Impact of Perceived Risk Toward Use Behavior in M-Commerce Industry: Extension of Utaut 2
Video Link:
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Presenter: Mohamad Yusob Ismail
Paper Title: Penerbitan Dokumentari Drama (Dokudrama): Cabaran Penerbitan Tayang Semula di Media Sosial Digital. Satu Kajian Literatur
Video Link:
Slide Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_LxEu4Z0xX51yC9Awt9jsfUYj9_7CFiu/view?usp=sharing
Presenter: Siti Roshayu Hassan
Paper Title: Kinetic Study of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Waste Bread-Derived Reducing Sugar
Video Link: https://youtu.be/VhWur3H_IE8
Slide Link:
Presenter: Nur Hazwani Mokhtar
Paper Title: Comparative Analysis of Rider Visibility Using Wearable Reflective Gear: Enhancing Safety and Visibility for Motorcyclists
Video Link:
Slide Link:
Presenter: Nursahaya Utama
Paper Title: Risk Analysis of Floods in Pangkalan, Batang Mahat River, West Sumatra
Video Link:
Slide Link:
Presenter: Wan Mohd Hirwani Wan Hussain
Paper Title: Mapping the Landscape of Digital Water Management: A Bibliometric Analysis
Video Link:
Slide Link:
Presenter: Wan Mohd Hirwani Wan Hussain
Paper Title: Bibliometric Analysis of Entrepreneurial Intention Research: Evolution, Trends, and Future Directions
Video Link:
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Presenter: Wan Farah Wani Wan Fakhruddin
Paper Title: Unravelling Deception: Linguistic Analysis of Fraudulent Investment Websites through Systemic Functional Linguistics
Video Link:
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Presenter: Riduwan Zakaria
Paper Title: Effects of Barrel Temperature on Warpage and Cycle Time of Injection Molded High-Density Polyethylene
Video Link: https://youtu.be/DKw7pDW2A4Q  
Slide Link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WUxjNtZfMCEPcvzWFYZ1LPKhDU6io7k0/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115942919083382869857&rtpof=true&sd=true
Presenter: Vinothiny Subramaniam
Paper Title: The Impact of Demographic Factors on Households Savings in Malaysia: A Cross-Sectional Study
Video Link: https://youtu.be/PQx8BjGyhik
Slide Link:
Presenter: Iif Khofifah
Paper Title: A Decade Bibliometric Analysis of Technology-Mediated Teaching and Learning of English-Speaking Skills
Video Link: https://youtu.be/DmGbV7DmIq0  
Slide Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YJs8NsoVsP5qH4iM1pkUm-saesnts38P/view?usp=sharing
Presenter: Nurfadila Arifin
Paper Title: Systematic Literature Review: The Effect of Interactive E- Module on Student Learning Outcomes
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VysJ4ZDlRmU
Slide Link:
Presenter: Lailatul Maimunah
Paper Title: The Challenges of Multilingual Students in Social-emotional Learning
Video Link: https://youtu.be/f52MrFgyCzs
Slide Link:
Presenter: Abdullah Ehlid Al Walid Bin Luli
Paper Title: Inscape: Alegori Bandar Dan Alam Semula Jadi Sebagai Kontemplasi Penciptaan Landskap Baharu Dalam Karya Seni
Video Link: https://youtu.be/DXqHaomzWjg?si=zz-H6918Kr9cSyhA
Slide Link:
Presenter: Bavithrah Govindarajan
Paper Title: Meningkatkan Penguasaan 30 Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggeris Melalui   Kad Gambar Dua Hala Dan Teknik Eye Spy Bagi Enam Orang Murid Tahun 4 Valluvar
Video Link: https://youtu.be/DnSb0yvQbIs
Slide Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wir-D8MCEURQ9GWWKCTOH8h6PDvcNncN/view?usp=sharing
Presenter: Tengku Zalfa Zahira Afniansyah
Paper Title: Restoring Productivity of Bandung and Petaling Jaya Sister City Collaboration During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-hTvlH51iE
Slide Link:
Presenter: Anna Lynn Abu Bakar
Paper Title: Writing Booster: The Intergration of Collaborative Tools in An ESL Writing Classroom
Video Link: https://youtu.be/v6eVP-f9gVE
Slide Link:
Presenter: Wan Hurani Osman
Paper Title: Catering to The Digital Natives’ Need in An Oral Communication in English Classroom
Video Link: https://youtu.be/mUmptPwzXgs
Slide Link:
Presenter: Ahmad Dzulfahmi Muhamad
Paper Title: Perkembangan Eko Pelancongan Gua Kelam Perlis
Video Link:
Slide Link:
Presenter: Mohamad Muzammil Mohamad Noor
Paper Title: Dr. Burhanuddin Al-Helmi: Pengaruh Pendidikan Di Madrasah Al-Mashoor Al-Islamiah Dalam Nasionalisme Dan Politik-Agama
Video Link: https://youtu.be/dPRjwpU4loI
Slide Link:
Presenter: Mohd Sohaimi Esa
Paper Title: Kuliah Al Attas: Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Agama di Johor
Video Link: https://youtu.be/2DOoymrXcdY
Slide Link:
Presenter: Romzi Ationg
Paper Title: Sorotan Pengaruh Politik Dalam Pendidikan Tinggi di Sabah
Video Link:
Slide Link:
Presenter: Saifulazry Mokhtar
Paper Title: Implementation of Da'wah Against Troubled Groups in Sandakan Prison: A Review
Video Link: https://youtu.be/FsD74oLWPLs
Slide Link:
Presenter: Saifulazry Mokhtar
Paper Title: Implementation of Spiritual Module in The Personality Strengthening Phase in The Department of Prisons Malaysia: An Analysis
Video Link: https://youtu.be/SprGvtWG9DI
Slide Link:
Presenter: Ismail Maidin
Paper Title: Hubungan Teori Pendidikan Ibnu Khaldun Dengan Konsep Dakwah
Video Link: https://youtu.be/bQWqDmVRWwo
Slide Link:
Presenter: Aisah Ahmad
Paper Title: Pengurusan Harta Melalui Hibah: Pengetahuan Hibah Dalam Masyarakat Muslim di Sabah
Video Link:
Slide Link:
======================================================================== Presenter: Riska Cindi Yustiarini Paper Title: Nanocage Molecules: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis of the Evolution and Applications of Nanocage Technologies in Contemporary Research Video Link: https://youtu.be/PcRqd7sJQUI ========================================================================
Presenter: Ken Ayu Dharma Ananda
Paper Title: Critical Discourse Analysis: Pendatang Movie 2023
Video Link: https://youtu.be/Fp-qzm6b7pM
Slide Link:
Presenter: Irma Wani Othman
Paper Title: Relevansi Undi 18: Literasi Pendidikan Politik Dalam Kalangan Mahasiswa
Video Link:
Slide Link:


Contact Us

Tel: +609-7449503 (Office); +6011-10968094 (Firdaus)
Email: pimcconferences@gmail.com
Address: Lot 2-11 Arked MARA Kota Bharu, Jalan Dato Pati, 15000 Kota Bharu Kelantan
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/GAExcellence/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0GQiQ5qY0kDT1VooKLrLw
Instagram: _GAExcellence
Twitter: @gaesbofficial