"AI, TVET, and Renewable Energy: Driving a Sustainable Future through the Sustainable Development Goals"
6 & 7 August 2025
The Waterfront Hotel Kuching
The conference underscores the strategic role of TVET in fostering sustainable development by integrating AI-driven solutions and renewable energy technologies to build a future-ready, skilled workforce. Through high-impact programs emphasizing digitization and green innovation, it aims to prepare human capital that meets the evolving demands of industries aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By blending engineering, information technology, and entrepreneurship, the event promotes advancements in IR 4.0 and explores sustainable socio-technical solutions. TECHON 2025 will highlight key areas such as the socio-technical dimensions of engineering, sustainable product and service design, and entrepreneurial innovations in renewable energy. This International Conference on Technology and Innovation serves as a platform for leading academicians, researchers, and practitioners to contribute meaningfully to the discourse on technology, innovation, and sustainable development.
Engineering and Technology
1. Mechanical Engineering– Renewable energy systems design, sustainable machinery, and green manufacturing.
2. Electrical Engineering – Smart grids, energy-efficient systems, and renewable power electronics.
3. Civil Engineering – Sustainable construction, green infrastructure, and renewable energy integration in urban planning.
4. Computer Engineering – AI algorithms, IoT for energy management, and computational sustainability.
5. Energy Engineering – Innovations in renewable energy generation, storage, and distribution.
6. Environmental Engineering – Climate resilience, pollution control, and sustainable resource management.
Education and Training
7. TVET and Skills Development – Curriculum design, competency-based education, and workforce readiness.
8. Educational Technology – E-learning platforms, AR/VR for technical training, and AI-driven education tools.
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
1. Data Science – Big data for energy forecasting, analytics, and optimization.
2. Artificial Intelligence – Machine learning, predictive modeling, and autonomous systems for sustainability.
3. Cybersecurity – Safeguarding renewable energy infrastructure and AI systems.
4. Human-Computer Interaction – Usability of AI tools in TVET and renewable energy.
Policy, Economics, Business and Social Sciences
1. Policy Studies – Renewable energy regulations, AI ethics, and SDG-driven policies.
2. Economics – Cost-benefit analysis of AI and renewable energy systems.
3. Sociology – Community empowerment through renewable energy and skills development.
4. Business and Management – Green entrepreneurship, sustainable business models, and innovation management.
5. Supply Chain Management – Sustainable logistics and renewable energy supply chains.
1. Knowledge Management – Strategies for sharing and disseminating best practices in AI, TVET, and sustainability.
2. Tourism and Hospitality – Green energy adoption in sustainable tourism practices.
3. Action Research - Focuses on solving real-world problems through iterative cycles of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.
List of Journals and Proceeding for TECHON 2025
1. Without Publication = RM350
- Disclaimer:
a. No review process will be conducted, and authors attend for conference presentation only and certificate of presenter will be provided
2. Conference + TECHON Proceeding = RM350
- Proceeding of TECHON 2025
- Disclaimer:
a. All the accepted papers from TECHON will be published in proceedings.
3. Conference + PolyCC Journal = RM350
- Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Engineering and Technology (PMJET)
- Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (PMJSSH)
- Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Lifelong Learning (PKKJLLL)
- Disclaimer:
a. Authors need to submit their manuscript through the journal's submission system themself.
b. Undergo an additional review process by the journal. Please note that the acceptance notification from TECHON 2025 is just for presentation purpose and does not guarantee acceptance for journal publication.
c. If the manuscript is rejected by the journal, TECHON 2025 organizers will not be responsible for including the paper in the conference proceedings. It is the author's responsibility to handle any further publication decisions.
4. Conference + Outside Journal = RM500 + Additional RM1500 for SCOPUS
- CFD Letters
- Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mechanics
- Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology (ARASET)
- Journal of Advanced Research in Experimental Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer (AREFMHT)
- Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
- Journal of Advanced Research in Micro and Nano Engineering (ARMNE)
- Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (JAMT)
- Journal of Advanced Research in Numerical Heat Transfer (ARNHT)
- Journal of Advanced Research Design (ARD)
- International Journal of Advanced Research in Computational Thinking and Data Science (CTDS) (Non-Index)
- Journal of Advanced Research in Computing and Applications (ARCA) (Non-Index)
- Progress in Energy and Environment (Non-Index)
- International Journal of Advanced Research in Future Ready Learning and Education (Non-Index)
- Semarak International Journal of Political Science and Public Administration (SIJPSPA) (Non-Index)
- Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies (ARBMS) (Non-Index)
- Journal of Advanced Research in Technology and Innovation Management (JARTIM) (Non-Index)
- Semarak International Journal of Future Tourism and Hospitality Management (SIJFTHM) (Non-Index)
- Disclaimer:
a. Authors will be guided through the journal's submission system (link will be provided) by a guest editor after registration through Confbay system
b. Undergo a review process by the journal. Please note that the acceptance notification from TECHON 2025 is just for presentation purpose and does not guarantee acceptance for journal publication. All the review process and journal acceptance will be handled by a journal publisher.
c. If the manuscript is rejected by the journal, TECHON 2025 organizers will not be responsible for including the paper in the conference proceedings as we as any additional payment will not be refunded. It is the author's responsibility to handle any further publication decisions.
5. Special Issue Borneo Engineering & Advanced Multidisciplinary International Journal (BEAM)
- Disclaimer:
a. For the BEAM Special Issue, authors are NOT required to undergo an additional review process by the journal. The acceptance notification from TECHON 2025 will be valid for publication in the journal.
b. The BEAM Special Issue will accept only 12-15 manuscripts. If a manuscript is not selected for the special issue, the TECHON 2025 organizers will arrange for its inclusion in the TECHON2025 proceedings.
For online submission, please register here:
Please write the manuscript according to the "Full paper template". Each paper must be not more than 7 pages (including the abstracts, figures, tables, and references).
Teaser for Online Presentation
Organized by:
Contact Us
Politeknik Mukah
KM 7.5, Jalan Oya,
96400, Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Phone(O): +6084 874-001 | Fax : +6084-874 003
Muhammad Thariq bin Abdul Razak (for Paper Submissions, Registration and Reviewer)
HP: +6011-14372629
For online submission, please register here:
For the registration fee, please click HERE.
Please write the manuscript according to the "Full paper template". Each paper must be no more than 6 pages (including the abstracts, figures, tables, and references).
The word template for the full papers:
Submission Guidelines
We invite proposals for paper presentations, poster sessions, workshops, and symposiums.
Paper Presentation |
Abstract: Proposals for paper presentations should be 200-250 words in length and should include aims, methodology, results and conclusion.
Duration: The oral presentation is limited to 10 minutes, followed by a 5-minute Q&A and group discussion.
Language: The working languages of the conference are English and Malay Language. The abstract should be in the same language as the oral presentation during the conference.
Poster Session |
Format: Poster sessions will be arranged during lunch breaks. Authors will have the opportunity to display their work and interact with a large number of delegates informally and dynamically throughout the session.
Display: Will be announced soon
Abstract: Proposals for poster sessions should be 200-250 words in length and should include aims, methodology, results and conclusion.
Language: The working languages of the conference are English and Malay Language
Best presentation award will be given�