- Abuse and neglect of children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Alternative and institutional care for children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Alternative Dispute Resolution for cases involving children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Child and female headed household.
- Child labour.
- Child marriage.
- Children, women, elderly and disabled people and substance abuse.
- Children, women, elderly and disabled people and wealth management.
- Children, women, elderly and disabled people in conflict with the law.
- Children, women, elderly and disabled people in leadership and politics.
- Children, women, elderly and disabled people in work place and employment.
- Children, women, elderly and disabled people of the indigenous group and the minorities.
- Children, women, elderly and disabled people victims of organised crime.
- Children, women, elderly and disabled people as research subjects.
- Children, women, elderly and disabled people and the impact of globalisation and borderless world.
- Criminal justice for children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Discrimination against children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Domestic violence against children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Education and development of children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Empowerment of children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Exploitation of children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Family issues relating to children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Healthcare and mental health of children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Human trafficking and smuggling.
- Humanitarian protection of children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Islamic perspective of issues relating to children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Law literacy of children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Legal and personal status of children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Maqasid Syariah and its relation to children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Maternity, breastfeeding and custody of children.
- Migrant children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Policies relating to children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Poverty of children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Refugee, displaced and stateless children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Rehabilitation of children, women, elderly and disabled people who are victims of crimes.
- Rights of children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- The economics of children, women, elderly and disabled people issues.
- The new media and the challenges for children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- The principle of family unity.
- The principle of the best interests of the child.
- The protection of children, women, elderly and disabled people in domestic and international law.
- The protection of children, women, elderly and disabled people in Islam.
- Trans-boundary adoption and abduction.
- Violence against children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Voices of children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Wasatiyyah principle in relation to children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Welfare and support services for children, women, elderly and disabled people.
- Voluntary and charity work for children, women, elderly and disabled people.